Monday, March 26, 2012

Texas Paradise

This West Texas Ranch house is a show stopper when I drove by it. I knew I had to do a painting of this home. I kicked up the ranch house a few notches by adding climbing roses around the white columns and adding some crepe myrtle bushes around the house. 

This oil painting is 9 inches tall by 12 inches wide. It is up for auction on ebay. Click here to bid.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Old Kelly's Cottage

In Buffalo Gap, Texas, there is this rickety quaint boutiques place to shop. About ten years ago, the artisans wanted to make this place into something like Old Tucson of Art. This was Old Kelly's Gallery Studio Cottage in Texas. Old Kelly was famous for his breath taking Old Western paintings. He reminded me of the generation of Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok. He brought his 2 horses and 5 dogs to work with him.  He was busy training a pup to act like an old dog when someone came into his gallery. The young pup would look up to see if he had permission to greet the customer. He would gently tell the pup to put his head back down. The pup crossed his front paws and put his sulking head back down on his front paws. I always enjoyed talking to Kelly when I had a chance to go there.

This "Old Texas Boutiques" is now looking sad with some of the old rickety shops not having any renters. I thought about renting a studio there. When I get there, the mosquitoes attack! 

Bidding starts at 99 cents. Click here to bid.